Friday, May 22, 2009

"That Looks Like A Nice Little Bank"

That's the reason somebody told me recently why they decided to bank at Community National Bank. Our little town in Tennessee is no doubt "overbanked", as I heard last night at my son's soccer game. Everyone has many choices about where they want to bank. If you live in a large metropolitan area, it's all about convenience (Which bank is on my way home? Which bank is closest to my work or home?).

But if you live in a smaller community your options are mostly smaller banks . . . and you still have a lot of options. So in rural areas it really comes down to do I like the people at my bank; have I known someone at my bank for a long time; do I have a friend or family member that works there. Community banks all have different feels and personalities. If someone was rude to you once, you may never enter that bank again. My point is people have reasons why they bank where they bank. Sometimes it's a long sordid ordeal how they ended up banking at a certain place.

Why do you bank where you bank? Everyone has a story to tell.


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